Friday, March 9, 2007

Carolina blue palette

I took the image from my last post, pasted it into Photoshop, cropped it and magnified it to show the individual colors. Highlighted here are several shades of blue (with Carolina blue in the lower right), and some of Rameses.
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I started with one of the readings for this week "Create a template color scheme using a photograph" I took an image, and posted it to my blog so you can see what I started with. I then pasted it into photoshop, cropped a small area, blew it up, did a screen print, pasted it back into photoshop, cropped it, and saved it as a .jpg. This is my color palette, which I also posted to my blog per instructions. Back in Photoshop, I used the eyedropper, and sampled Carolina blue (a5bede), the darker blue border (102049) and Rameses (8c9684). I cliked OFF web colors only. I went into my blogger account dashboard, and went to edit the html on my template. Under body, I edited the background hexadecimal to be background:#102049; deleting a linked .jpg file as well. This is now my outer border, the deep blue. For Rameses, I added a subtle thin wrapper
#outer-wrapper { background-color:#8C9684;
then to get the main emphasis for my blog, Carolina blue, i edited in my main color
#wrap2 { width:700px; background:#A5BEDE;

I did not change any of the widths in any of these settings, and deleted any extraneous linked background files.
wow, I've edited my CSS
Well, I finally got around to watching Serena's two tutorials on how to create a color palette, and discover I did it a different way and did not actually post my palette to my blog, so next week I'll go back and post my palette (as opposed to posting a swatch of the origin photo above!) I'll probably go and add the silver from the school colors to my pallette as well!!)

1 comment:

Boris said...

I tried using Photoshop to complete the assignment, and man, it was difficult. Fireworks offered a more streamlined approach to pick the colors and create the palette.

Anyway, I did like the colors you chose and after reading your post I realized how many different shades of blue the banner uses.