Friday, January 26, 2007

week 3 emotional design object: Beetle bud vase

The Beetle bud vase is an example of behavioral design, it enhances the pleasure and effectiveness of the car it is built into. The vase is mounted in the middle of the dashboard, and it has been said to give you "... a warm feeling about Volkswagen and the experience of buying a Beetle." It personalizes the car, and gives you both a common feeling of being a Beetle owner while letting you choose your expression based on what you put into the vase. It "evokes positive emotion about the product". The design element incorporates a common artistic object (the vase) into a wholly differential product (an automobile).

image source: flickr Creative Commons
credit: Captain Oblivious


tom clapham said...

Good one!

serena fenton said...

The Beetle bud vase is a great example of emotional design!! In selecting this one detail of the auto, you have both given us insight into the personality of the user (my neighbor who has a Harley and an SUV would not be caught dead in a car with a flower vase.) and into the ability of an object to express the user; to become an extension of that user and their personality.

gercohenJoMC712 said...

on to our week 5 readings and vidoes, VW and the Beetle are an example of a "cult brand"